She Doesn’t Settle™ Group

Here’s the truth…

You don’t have to settle for less. You’re allowed to want more.

Yes, you can have more. You can create change in your life. You don’t have to stay stuck. I’m going to need you to take a second to take that in.

You absofuckinglutely deserve more.

Even if that voice inside has gotten quieter over the years, tamer over the years, it’s still there. It still says “more”. 

So why is it that despite the array of self-help books on your e-reader and daily affirmations- the “more” part just isn’t falling into place?

No, it’s not you. It’s what you’ve been handed. A society that says play nice. Messaging that says be ladylike. An inherited dialogue that tells you to just be happy with what you’ve got. 

What a load of shit. 

How can you possibly go after what you want, when you’re still waiting for permission to admit what that is?

Consider this your permission granted.

Ready to figure out the beliefs and behaviors that have been holding you back? Want to ditch the burnout so you can feel and perform your best? Want to tell your current boss “deuces” and work somewhere that is in alignment with what you want and need? 

It starts with declaring it in a place where unconventionality is celebrated and the only “shoulds” you need to worry about are the ones you choose for yourself.

Enter She Doesn’t Settle.

The 6-month group program with one goal:

Identifying and declaring how you want to stop settling and creating a strategic way to make it happen. 

It’s time for us to put you back in the driver seat.

There is no shortage of books, coaches, and programs ready and willing to deliver to you a pre-made roadmap on how your life should look and feel. 

You won’t find that here. 

That’s because I don’t get to choose what lights you up in your life, no one does. That’s a power I need you to take back today. 

While we’re at it, let’s shrug off some of those additional “roles” you’ve been hiding under.

Yes, you’re wearing plenty of hats, but you can’t fool me. Underneath trying to show up as what everyone else needs is the person you truly need to be for you. She hasn’t gone anywhere. She’s just patiently waiting for you to give her the green light. 

That’s where our work together comes in. 

The foundations of the She Doesn’t Settle program were specifically designed to get you clear, dedicated and aligned with what really matters most to you. 

Health and Well-being

How long has your physical, mental, and emotional health landed on the back burner so you can keep up with the demands of life? This burn, rest, repeat cycle can only go on for so long, and in order to ascend, getting these areas in order is essential. 

Core Values

That shiny life the world sees won’t mean much if it’s not aligned with what you truly believe. What do you stand for? What do you want to see in the world? What gives you a sense of purpose? This is what we’ll be injecting into your goals so you can experience fulfillment on every level. 

Freedom from Blocks

“But Kelly, I’ve already cleared all my mental blocks”. Lies. Yup, I’m calling you on it. I don’t care how many therapists you’ve talked to or books you’ve read, if you’re here reading this it’s because there’s still some work to be done. Yes, this part can be damn scary. But once we identify those monsters in the closet, it’ll be that much easier to send them packing. To the left, limiting mindsets. 

Goal Setting & Strategy

This is Kelly’s jam, and she will help you set goals that you WANT and are in alignment with who you are, and also create a strategy that works for your unique personality and lifestyle.

Supportive Community

It’s a space that allows you to show up as who you are and create lasting friendships with those who are in the group with you. Getting after our goals is so much better when we aren’t doing it alone.

She Doesn’t Settle was designed to help women reclaim their power and realize that they’re the greatest authority in their life. The only thing that’s separating you from the life you truly want, is being forced to color in the lines. Let’s scribble together. 

What’s Included?

The She Doesn’t Settle Group runs for six months, starting in mid January 2024. During our time together, here’s what you can expect:

Enneagram Assessment

To start off, we will be taking the Enneagram Assessment. This assessment will provide you with valuable insights into your personality, motivations, and any obstacles that may be hindering your progress. Kelly will analyze your results and offer recommendations to help you make the most of your time in the group.

Kick Off Workshop

In mid-January, we will have a Zoom meeting to plan out your next six months. During the meeting, we will review the results of your enneagram assessment and discuss the goals you want to achieve. We will also develop a strategy for the first few months of the year.

Bonus Workshops

Kelly will add extra calls based on the specific needs of the group, as well as a guest speaker/presenter.

Monthly coaching calls

We will have a monthly gathering to address any questions or challenges you may have as you are working towards your goals. During this call, you will receive feedback from Kelly and your peers.

Monthly topic calls

At the start of each month, Kelly will host the monthly topic call that will provide you extra support and tools as you work on your goals. (This call will be a mix of planning and accountability.

Facebook Community

Within our private group, there will be sharing, support and celebration. You’ll have access to your community of sisters whenever you need them. So much happens within this space and the peer-to-peer support is like nothing else.

1:1 Coaching

For an additional $125/month, you can add on a 1:1 coaching call with Kelly to provide you with a deeper dive and support throughout the program.

  • Make your dreams come true

    Do you want to meet an amazing group of professional women who will become friends for life?

    Learn why you are afraid to make your dreams come true, or discover what those dreams are and become ready to make those dreams a reality?

    SDS is the place to begin. I love this group. Kelly is insightful, funny, smart and down to earth amazing. The women in my group are so warm, vulnerable, real and kick ass!

    I look forward to every session and learn more about myself and how to stop dragging my feet and naysaying what I know I really want to achieve in my personal and professional life.

    It's hard being a woman. All the social expectations about taking care of others, not saying no, never being heard, not wanting to be a bitch. We deserve the care, attention and love we give to others so readily. This is the place to figure out how we are getting in our own way and move forward.

    I highly recommend this group for anyone ready to jump into the potential that already exists in each of us.”

    — Holly Reese, Director of Community Support Services, The Center

  • Ideal mix of professionalism, compassion and discipline

    “I started working with Kelly because, as a high achieving woman who knows her health must come first, I needed someone who has an athlete's mindset and who can skillfully coach me to my next level.

    As I've shifted my work in a major way over the past few months, I've realized I can do very well professionally and also have energy, vitality and a healthy mindset.

    During my work with Kelly and inside the group, I’ve continued with and strengthened mindset shifts I had made - and have made swift progress having Kelly in my corner to coach me.

    Kelly models the ideal mix of professionalism, compassion and discipline to help you get to where you want to go - not to where she thinks you should go (her methods are not prescriptive) but where YOU truly want to go in your career or business while putting your health first so you can enjoy and celebrate your wins that much more and be available for yourself, your family and others who are important in your life.”

    — Stefanie Frank, TEDx speaker, Co-Founder, Frankly Good Coffee

  • Identify where change is possible and necessary

    “Generally, as a skeptic, I did not anticipate growth or development through Ascend.  I figured I would pay the money; pretend to show up; maybe meet some people I liked; and move on.  I was wrong.  Full stop - WRONG.  

    Through the group and Kelly Travis' no nonsense approach and determination, I was able to take an honest look at who I was and what I wanted.  The work with the group was hard and harrowing.  Through the process though, I was able to identify where change was possible and necessary.  

    More importantly, I was able to establish metrics for that change.  Kelly was amazing at both hand-holding and ass-kicking.  Without reservation, I would recommend Ascend regardless of where a person is in her professional or personal life.”

    — Aviva Gordon, Gordon Law

Trust me, I get it. You’re expected to show up and pretend you’ve got it all together. However, there’s no room for faking it here. This doesn’t work unless you’re willing to show up as the real authentic you. 

I’m also going to be so bold as to ask you to do things like show up for yourself...consistently. Engage. Take your health and well-being off the back burner and maybe, just maybe, admit that you are ready to play big afterall.

These don’t have to be scary things. In fact, these are the things that should be lighting you up. This is exactly the kind of work that takes you from numb and complacent to owning every area of your life unapologetically. 

Spoiler alert: You’re not the damsel in distress. You’re the damn knight, and it’s you that will save yourself this time. 

However, if you’ve found yourself on this page, there’s a good chance you already know that. It’s just a matter of picking up that sword and shield and getting to slaying everything that’s between you and the way you want all this to really look.

The good news is, no matter how big the dragons may be, I’ll be right there by your side. Every step of the way. 

Join the She Doesn’t Settle Group Now

$199/month / 6 Payments

Or pay in full

We start on January 16, 2024, and run for six months. Once you sign up, you’ll receive an email with all the details of your experience in SDS.


Drop me a message and I’ll get right back to you.